Nadia Heffner & Mark Christopher

Ride the brand.
Bring home your own Mustang or Burro
Adopting a Mustang or Burro
The BLM offers wild horses and burros for adoption or purchase at events across the country throughout the year.
Nadia is a TIP trainer for the Bureau of Land management. She has helped to gentle and place almost 80 mustangs and burros in to forever homes.
The Trainer Incentive Program (TIP) is a training and adoption program that engages talented horse trainers nationwide. Approved TIP trainers gentle and halter train a Bureau of Land Management-branded wild horse or burro, then market and find a new home for the animal.
Nadia feels that one of her great accomplishments was gentling and training three wild mustangs for the Extreme Mustang Makeover. One in 2008, was trained in just 84 days. She competed again in 2012 and 2017 placing 4th respectfully.

Available Mustangs and Burros
If you are interested in adopting a mustang or burro. Please contact Nadia.
There are currently no mustangs or burros available. Watch our facebook page for any updates.